Federal Way Foundation

Federal Way foundation contractors in WA near 98001

If you are building a residential or commercial property, you will be needing a concrete contractor for a foundation in Federal Way, WA. The foundation of the building is the most crucial thing to work on as the entire load of the building rests on the foundation and for this reason, it must be strong and sturdy.

Choose N.W. Creative Concrete when you are looking for the best concrete contractor for foundation in Federal Way. We have been serving as concrete foundation contractors in Federal Way since 1992 and have successfully completed all projects to the satisfaction of our clients.

We are proficient in constructing all types of foundations in Federal Way, including:

  • Deep concrete slab foundation
  • Shallow concrete foundation
  • T-grade foundation
  • Slab foundation


N.W. Creative Concrete have trained professionals that have the expertise to finish the work efficiently and within the stipulated time. Call N.W. Creative Concrete at (253) 999-9080 when you need construction of a new foundation in Federal Way.

Federal Way Concrete Foundation

Stable Federal Way concrete foundation in WA near 98001

A concrete foundation in Federal Way is considered the most durable and strongest of foundations for commercial and residential buildings. The proper soil preparation must be done prior to pouring the concrete during construction of a concrete foundation in Federal Way.

Place your trust in N.W. Creative Concrete when you require construction of a concrete foundation in Federal Way. We consider the following aspects when working on a concrete foundation in Federal Way to ensure durability and longevity of the base:

  • Adequate concrete slab depth
  • Weight bearing capability
  • Settlement of concrete slab
  • Seismic forces
  • Adverse soil changes


You can compare our costs of building a concrete foundation in Federal Way, with that quoted by other contractors to ensure that you are getting the best deal from us. Call N.W. Creative Concrete at (253) 999-9080 when you are looking for the most reliable company for a concrete foundation in Federal Way.

Federal Way Concrete Slab Foundation

Reliable Federal Way concrete slab foundation in WA near 98001

Building a concrete slab foundation in Federal Way is a complex task and is best left to professionals. It requires more than just concrete pouring in one place. All preparation must be done before the concrete is poured and set. All proper preparation must be done before pouring concrete, to ensure you have a quality concrete slab foundation in Federal Way for your residential or commercial property.

Count on N.W. Creative Concrete for the construction of a concrete slab foundation in Federal Way. We follow the following steps for constructing a concrete slab foundation in Federal Way:

  • Soil preparation for concrete slab
  • Steel bar reinforcement for concrete slab
  • Pouring and curing concrete
  • Finishing of concrete slab


We ensure that the work of a concrete slab foundation in Federal Way is completed in a timely manner and on schedule for the client. Contact N.W. Creative Concrete at (253) 999-9080 when looking to get concrete slab foundation construction done in Federal Way.